Covid-19 Response
In Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand, Naman Seva Samiti responded to Covid-19 emergency by providing Dry Ration kits, Masks, Soaps and Sanitiser while creating awareness about Social Distancing and Personal Hygiene.
Naman now is aiming to address the loss of livelihood by developing local and sustainable livelihood opportunities for rural poor especially migrant population which has returned to villages due to the pandemic.
Dry Ration
As an emergency measure, provision of dry food packets was ensured for persons with disabilities, and other marginalised communities.
With Dry Ration, soap and sanitiser was also provided to ensure hygiene as most are forced to live in unhygienic conditions.
Face Masks
Inclusive Self-Help Group members made face masks which were distributed through community leaders to most needy.
SHG members were remunerated for standing up at a time of emergency which also provided them financial support as members of SHGs themselves are from marginalised communities.
Covid-19 Awareness
How to use face masks and sanitizer regularly at critical occasions especially after contacting anything, anyone from outside
Why social distancing is the only way to prevent oneself and how to practice the same
Understanding symptoms of COVID-19; immediately notify Medical Department if symptoms are visible
Availability of Govt. Welfare services/ programmes; ways and means to access them by following social distancing
Sanitising, leaving eatables including Vegetables, Fruits untouched for a sufficient time to prevent infection