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Determined to Carry Message of Inclusion Forward

I am Mamta, born in rural household of Madhya Pradesh which neither had good social or economic condition. I was born with Orthopaedic Impairment and as society would treat, I grew up to be someone different who is not part of the community – a disabled. Even though I managed to complete my schooling, due to my impairment, I could not pursue my higher education.

With basic education, I could not find a job or any work which can help me earn my livelihood. With Naman working in our villages, I got an opportunity to work with the organisation as a volunteer. During my work, I was trained on co-operative societies, formation of self-help groups, tailoring among other skills and livelihood activities.

I was supported through Naman cooperative for a loan of Rs. 20,000 with which I started a small business. This has helped me to sustain myself. In a very short span, I am able to earn an income of Rs. 36,000 per year.

With improved income and knowledge levels after getting trained from Naman, my social status has improved drastically. I am also in leadership position at one of the cooperative societies Naman supports. From just another disabled in the community, I am now addressed as Madam from community members which is a matter of great pride.

With a business in readymade garments, I am leading an independent, dignified life. This would not have been possible without external support and I want to extend the support to other persons with disabilities which I received from Naman.